Revolutionise business success 

through arts-based experiences

What would be the right formula for you? 

Our creative magic is split into three categories to find the perfect potion for your goal, company and team. 

Which one would you like to nourish your team with?

What we do

Team Art Activities

Team art experiences encourage metaphorical thinking and seeing things differently. They are an easy-to-organise option for teams of all shapes and sizes.

Creative Team Building

Creative team building is a master challenge that cultivates teams' abilities to think on their feet and co-create whilst aligning around a shared visionvalues, or recognising strengths.

Arts-Based Experiential Learning

A courageous leader is empowered to inspire creativity, collaboration and communication. Support your top talent with creative experiential training that helps them and their teams excel at thinking out of the box.

Creative team building

Turn your vision into a masterpiece

Collaborative Art® creative team building aligns your team around a shared vision as a seemingly impossible artistic challenge. The shared experience clarifies the company mission, vision and values and strengthens employee buy-in, especially amidst change and transitions.

What happens at a Collaborative Art® creative team-building workshop?

The creative team-building experience starts with a pre-defined question in collaboration with the client. The teams will have a limited time to answer the question by creating a masterpiece in a famous artist’s style!

The challenge often seems insurmountable initially, but through collaboration, visual communication and storytelling, doubt turns into pride, and team insights emerge. 

While a fun and unforgettable process, the creative team-building experience brings your business objectives to life. In addition, our activities go beyond the canvas, turning introspective exploration into tangible works of art that can be hung on the office walls as long-lasting visual reminders

In a nutshell

  • Duration: 2 hours + debrief for team insights
  • Perfect for high-performing teams and leaders
  • Tailored to the objectives of your event
  • Strengthens collaboration, cohesion, clarity, creativity, and storytelling skills

Book a discovery call

Shared Vision

Ideal for aligning teams around a shared vision of the future, or the keys to success to achieve that vision. Or perhaps you'd like to unite your team around their shared purpose. Either way, this team-building is perfect for you!

Teams design symbols that answer a pre-defined question, such as “ What’s inside us as leaders?” or “How do we improve the lives of our customers?” to co-create a meaningful shared masterpiece.

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Shared Values

It is ideal for supporting your communication strategy around your culture and values or envisioning the key qualities of a high-performing team.

It's an inclusive and engaging process that transforms your attributes into a series of visual stories. 

If you want a fun way to cultivate employee buy-in around your values or behaviours that creates a buzz in your corridors long after the event, this is perfect for you!

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Shared Strengths

Are you looking for a creative way for your team members to get to know each other and see each other in a new light? 

In this workshop, we'll guide your team through the creative process to turn their strengths into an abstract portrait that introduces their collective strengths and reminds them how together they're stronger. This workshop is recommended if you want to develop team pride and connection.

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"Amazing results"

“Steph did an excellent job leading a group of about 50 senior people from our pharmaceutical company in a brilliant exercise to foster the concept of working together. Amazing results after everything was done. She made it look and feel much easier than it was, witty and challenging.”

Paulo Jorge Monteiro, Project Director, Janssen Europe

"Unlike any other team building"

“Collaborative Art® is unlike other team building - it takes people to a different space in expressing opportunities and challenges and how they can be overcome. It also helps visualise the journey to a stronger and more collaborative future. It is also fantastic fun, and when you hear the cheers ring out when people finish their painting 'masterpieces', there is a sense of pure satisfaction of having created something quite extraordinary together.”

Ruth Farrell, Global Marketing, Brand & Communications Leader, Eastman

"Discover hidden talents"

“'I managed to do that!'...'Wow, I can't believe what I have done’, and ‘Finally, I am good at art’ are the comments we heard at the end of the day. What a great way to spend the day outside work with your colleagues! You learn about yourself, your colleagues and discover one of your hidden talents. Never say ‘I can't do that’ with Collaborative Art®!”

Elsa Derobert, Assistant, WHO

Human Orchestra

Experience the transformative power of music with our Human Orchestra Team Building Workshop. Participants engage in vocal exercises, explore sounds from everyday objects, and harness the power of their voices to create intricate rhythms and patterns. Teams develop enhanced communication, creativity, and collaboration by turning ordinary items into instruments and mastering synchronisation through playful activities. The workshop culminates in a team anthem, celebrating newfound harmony and collective achievements.

Benefits & Outcomes

  • Enhanced Team Cohesion and Unity: Strengthens bonds and promotes seamless teamwork.
  • Improved Communication: Develops clearer, more effective communication skills.
  • Increased Creativity and Innovation: Encourages out-of-the-box thinking and problem-solving.
  • Enhanced Coordination and Synchronisation: Improves team synchronisation and efficiency.
  • Boosted Morale and Motivation: Fosters team spirit and enthusiasm.
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Team art activities

Creative fun for big teams

Team Art Activities are compact, easy-to-organise team-building activities for teams of all sizes. They encourage metaphorical and creative thinking and connect the red thread of your event in a fun and unforgettable way. 

What happens at Team Art Activities?

Team Art Activities challenge the participants to use their metaphorical thinking and visual storytelling skills to communicate a motivational business message or the team's strengths. 

They are the perfect cherry on the top to break out of a restrictive business atmosphere off site. It allows people to have a great time but in a way that ties back to your strategic goals.

In a nutshell

  • Duration: 90 minutes
  • Suitable for large groups
  • Easy to organise
  • Indoors & outdoors

Tell us about your event

"A gift to corporations"

“Steph Fonteyn brought the Diversity & Inclusion conference concept to life by helping me connect the scattered thoughts and visionary dots into a beautiful piece of shared art. She enabled the team to feel the energy of play and the magic of collaboration. What Collaborative Art® team building offers to corporations is a gift - they break the stereotypical team building and replace it with true art that creates a buzz.“

Gaby Delgado, Global Brand Leader, P&G

"Promote creativity"

“Collaborative Art® draws people in and creates an atmosphere that promotes creativity, connections and a positive environment while capturing what the client wants. The co-creation experience in a social setting enables people to mingle and exchange, and the result is stunning!”

Daniele Castle, Specialist

"Build team confidence"

“Steph did an excellent job putting our team-building event in place after a long period of remote working. She was able to build people's confidence and facilitated everyone to work smoothly in teams. At the end of the afternoon, all participants were very happy and astonished by the beautiful piece of art produced. As a positive result, the week after, we all had coffee together for the 1st time!” 

Laurence Mauro, Communications Specialist, EPFL

Arts-based experiential learning

Cultivate a culture of creativity & communication

Forge collaborative environments where individuals feel a profound connection, their voices resonate, and creativity flourishes.

Creativity and creative thinking nurture resilience and mental flexibility. To generate insightful learning, these skills can be developed through tailored experiential learning within a framework of carefully curated arts-based activities, such as improv, dance, music, and visual arts.

Dive into the transformative world of arts-based learning for your organisation! The arts unravel the intricacies of human dynamics — our connections, communication styles, motivations, and creative potential. In a competitive landscape, neglecting relationship dynamics can be a missed opportunity for strategic advantage.

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What is arts-based experiential learning?

Orchestrating the efforts of team members to collaborate towards a shared goal is an art form. 

We aim to bring out the collaborative power of teams through different art applications to cultivate the mental flexibility required for creativity, resilience and expansive communication skills that empower people to deliver key messages with impact.

Tailored arts-based experiential learning leverages insights from improvisation and visual and performing arts. Programmes are bespoke to meet the unique needs of each organisation. 

In a nutshell

  • Series of training sessions
  • Tailored to your company’s needs
  • For high-performing teams and leaders
  • Develop creativity, resilience and communication as a competency

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Cultivating creative collaboration

“Thank you very much, Steph, for sharing your personal experience and unique perspective on how organisations can cultivate creative collaboration in the workplace. We all enjoyed your most interesting, stimulating and thought-provoking talk!”

Michal Paserman, MBA & MML Programs Director,  Webster University

Creativity and resilience

“Steph helped us kick-start our off-site with a thought-provoking speech on Creative Courage. We wanted the teams to gain tips on becoming more resilient and thinking out of the box. Steph did so perfectly by sharing her experience and life stories with us. The teams liked that she didn't hide her failures - her authenticity made her more relatable. Overall, the intervention was very impactful, and everyone left that day with a list of actions they would do to be more creative and courageous. I recommend Steph to any team/organisation looking to bring creativity into their day-to-day job.”

Thomas Sengmany, Digital Strategy, Vacheron Constantin

Outstanding facilitation

“Steph is simply an outstanding facilitator. She has worked on client projects as a partner and directly with our teams. She models the best in facilitation: holding the process lightly yet with clarity and discipline, encouraging participation yet enabling high-quality output, and projecting self-confidence yet making the group the hero. I cannot recommend her or her product highly enough.” 

Will Hogg, Managing Director, Kinetic Consulting

Why Collaborative Art® events?


All our events are inclusive and level the playing field for all participants, regardless of their background, experience, fitness level or health.

Flexible mindset

Flexible mindset. Our activities take the participants outside their comfort zones to help them stretch and grow as professionals.


Alignment. While our events are designed to be fun and engaging, they go deeper and always tie back to the company's goals.